How I stay productive and focused through out the day

Sai shakthi e
2 min readJun 7, 2021

In this pandemic period many countries has announced lockdown and many people feel uncomfortable and lacking focus while working at home.

I felt the same. But over time I developed some habits that helps me be focused throughout the day.

Here are some habits that made me stay focused and productive.

🚿Taking Cold Shower :

I take cold shower in the morning, because it makes me to feel alert and concentrated.

Research backs up that a cold shower helps get more done throughout the day with increased focus and decreased levels of stress.

Cold water recognised as a stress, stimulates the Sympathetic Nervous System which deals with the involuntary actions of the body.

Electrical impulses sent to certain parts of the brain by the SNS releases stress hormones like endorphins and noradrenaline. Both decrease anxiety and slowdown thoughts gives instant focus, improved attention, clarity and alertness .

It contributes to an general feeling of well-being.

🧘‍♂️Mindfulness Meditation :

Mindfulness meditation has proven to cause changes in brain functions and structure. It’s any exercise that needs us to focus on our thoughts and sensations at the moment.

Like sitting upright for 10 minutes and focusing on breath can increase focus.

People who have meditated for years have proven to have the ability to control their attention.

📆Scheduling :

Scheduling reduces the stress and FOMO. It gives a greater feeling of control over life and work.

Without a schedule I have experienced myself having a vague mind and not able to take any action.

Further by writing or typing the tasks that needs to be done it becomes tangible and forces us to do the task and be accountable.

💧Drinking Plenty Of Water :

80% of the brain consists of water.

Lack of water may cause mental fog, anxiety, depression, brain fatigue, affects focus and memory and.

Drinking plenty of water calms down the brain and gives mental clarity.

